Personalize a Pricing Plan That Works For Your Spa/Salon

Implementing light therapy technology in your med spa or salon may be the wisest investment you could make for your business and your clients. You’ll make your money back in no time, and after that, each session will generate pure profit. All the while, you’ll be helping your clients achieve their skin care goals.
While beautiful, younger looking skin is the end result of using a POLY LED device, what you’ll be selling your clients is time. We suggest offering POLY packages that encourage frequent sessions. Many med spas and salons we’ve worked with have had much success by offering unlimited sessions for a fixed monthly rate. As it costs mere pennies to operate our devices, your business will profit significantly regardless of how many sessions each customer needs.
Here is a payment breakdown that we recommend:
  • Session: $25
  • Sessions: $75
  • Days Unlimited Use: $50

The idea is to create a pricing plan that steers clients into subscribing to packages that guarantee effective results. As their skin care needs are met, you’ll meet your financial goals.

Not only can your business greatly benefit through offering red or blue light therapy services, you can also sell more products by offering discounts on light therapy sessions. Offering bundles can be a great way to increase product sales in your med spa or salon. For example, you can offer one month of POLY free when a customer buys a particular skin care product. To redeem their discount, clients will frequent your business more often. Avoid lowering prices on the products you’re selling at your spa or salon–instead, offer more labor-free services, like light therapy with a POLY system, in order to incentivize your customers to buy particular skin care products you may be highlighting at a certain time.

Reach out to the POLY LED team at (870) 761-4929 to learn some best practices for offering packages bundles at your spa or salon and to figure out a pricing plan that works for you.